An all-body power developing drill

Exercise type: all-body power developing drill.

Suitable for: all athletes and events.

Difficulty level: can be done by athletes of all ages and abilities.

Benefits: improved explosiveness.

How to: hold a (3kg-5kg) med ball across the chest. Dynamically take a step forward into a lunge position.

As the lead foot contacts the ground powerfully thrust the ball forwards.

Extend your arms fully and let your body’s momentum take you forwards.

Specific applicability

Sprint acceleration: Getting a quick get-away requires a low heel recovery and extension through the hip (Tip: combine this drill with short acceleration sprints over 5-10m).

Linear shot and javelin: developing power through the kinetic chain is key to these events. The recovery needed after the throw has some parallels with the javelin in particular.

How many: do 4 x 10 (alternating lead leg).

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